As we enter the open enrollment period, there is little doubt that you will be seeing ads for Medicare Advantage ads on TV. Several weeks ago on the Friday Pulse Check Newsletter, Matthew Handley broke down the top plans by tv ads in recent years. Regardless if you are a patient or a provider, there are things you ought to know about Medicare Advantage plans. Can they pay a provider less than Medicare rates? Can a patient use out-of-network benefits? What is the deal with all these promotional ties with grocery stores? Matthew Handley and Ron Howrigon discuss.
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Ep. 66 - What you need to know about Medicare…
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As we enter the open enrollment period, there is little doubt that you will be seeing ads for Medicare Advantage ads on TV. Several weeks ago on the Friday Pulse Check Newsletter, Matthew Handley broke down the top plans by tv ads in recent years. Regardless if you are a patient or a provider, there are things you ought to know about Medicare Advantage plans. Can they pay a provider less than Medicare rates? Can a patient use out-of-network benefits? What is the deal with all these promotional ties with grocery stores? Matthew Handley and Ron Howrigon discuss.