CLEAR! Reforming Healthcare to Save the U.S. Economy
With his signature concise and conversational language, Ron Howrigon, former health insurance executive, economist, and CEO of Fulcrum Strategies, a medical provider consulting company, explains the impact of our healthcare system on the U.S. economy and what we should do about it. With healthcare spending accounting for nearly 20% of the U.S. economy and growing, Ron lays out a logical approach to healthcare reform that is needed to change this unsustainable trajectory.
FLATLINING: How Healthcare Could Kill the U.S. Economy
Ron Howrigon, President and CEO of Fulcrum Strategies, breaks down the complex system that is healthcare in the U.S. and helps people gain a deeper understanding of the issues that will arise in the coming years.
Now that a new administration and a new Congress are getting down to the business of trying to fulfill the Republican promises of repealing and replacing Obamacare, many people are trying to figure out what is wrong with healthcare and how can it be fixed. Will the new administration get it right or will they make matters worse?